Care for Cancer and Hormonal Conditions Endocrine Surgery

Johns Hopkins Endocrine Surgery 提供最先进的内分泌疾病(甲状腺)外科护理, parathyroid and adrenal glands). 内分泌疾病是指那些影响身体分泌激素的腺体,需要专门护理的疾病. At Johns Hopkins, our team collaborates with experts in endocrinology, ultrasound and diagnostic imaging, nuclear medicine, pathology, 遗传学和肿瘤学为每个人的需求提供量身定制的综合方法. 研究通知您的护理的每一个方面,以确保您受益于尖端的治疗方案.

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Why Choose Johns Hopkins for Endocrine Surgery

Advanced Research

Along with providing patient care, we conduct research on 我们的结果和内分泌外科疾病,以确保我们提供最好和最有效的护理.

endocrine surgery - illustration of microscope

Multidisciplinary Care

我们与内分泌学、病理学、放射学和肿瘤学专家合作,提供高质量的护理. 我们的团队在肿瘤委员会会议上回顾每位患者的病情,以进行多学科治疗. 我们的病理学家和放射科医生可以为您的诊断提供第二种意见.


Minimally Invasive Procedures

我们的内分泌外科医生接受了奖学金培训,并获得了美国内分泌外科医生协会的认可. 我们在治疗常见和不寻常的内分泌疾病方面经验丰富, including those requiring initial and recurrent surgery. 

endocrine surgery - illustration of stethoscope

Conditions We Treat

Our surgeons treat the following endocrine conditions. Learn more about these conditions. 




Genetic Disorders

  • Multiple endocrine neoplasias (MEN1, MEN2A, MEN2B)
  • Familial medullary thyroid cancer
  • Familial papillary thyroid cancer
  • Succinate dehydrogenase mutations (SDH)
  • Paraganglioma

Surgical Treatments We Perform


Active Research

我们的团队正在进行研究,旨在改善内分泌疾病患者的治疗和生活质量. 了解更多有关甲状腺,甲状旁腺和肾上腺手术的研究领域.

Thyroid Research

  • Shared Decision-Making对这一概念的研究评估了与甲状腺手术程度相关的共同决策如何受到患者性别的影响, race, ethnicity, and social status.
  • Voice and Swallowing Changes我们正在进行一项观察性研究,以了解甲状腺和甲状旁腺手术如何在没有任何并发症的情况下影响一个人的声音, swallowing, and quality of life. 目的是确定在甲状腺切除术和甲状旁腺切除术后存在这些细微但重要变化风险的患者,并找到改善预后的解决方案.
  • Health Literacy我们的团队正在进行一项研究,以确定患者在有多种选择的情况下如何选择最适合他们的甲状腺手术. 我们的目标是了解患者如何最好地了解他们的治疗方案,以改善患者教育,帮助他们做出最明智的选择,并为他们提供最好的治疗方案.

Adrenal Research

  • Quality of Life After Adrenalectomy: Our team is conducting research to evaluate the quality of life for individuals with Cushing's syndrome after undergoing an adrenalectomy. 患有肾上腺结节和库欣综合征(类固醇激素过量)的患者有许多具有挑战性的症状,包括外观改变(圆形, puffy face), 水牛驼峰(脖子后面的脂肪垫增加), truncal obesity (increase in weight around the abdomen), wasting of muscles that causes weakness, easy bruising, facial hair in women, purplish "stretch marks" on your abdomen, easy infections, thinned skin with easy bruising or bleeding, high blood pressure, and changes in emotions from feelings of high to low. Some patients with excess steroid have nodules in both adrenal glands. 我们正在研究切除一个肾上腺的患者的生活质量是否更好(laparoscopic adrenalectomy) versus both adrenal glands removed (bilateral adrenalectomy).

Parathyroid Research

  • High Parathyroid Hormone (PTH)我们正在招募患者参加一项临床研究,以帮助了解高甲状旁腺激素水平如何影响心脏和大脑. 具体来说,我们正在研究高甲状旁腺激素是如何影响你的情绪和思维方式(认知功能)的。. High PTH does not impact everyone the same way . 我们正在努力寻找其他的血液标记物来预测哪些甲状旁腺功能亢进的患者会出现认知功能的变化,这样我们就可以继续研究 prevent them.

Recently Published Research

Dr. Lilah Morris-Wiseman回顾了甲状腺乳头状癌的遗传学如何预测患者的生存 BRAF V600E降低甲状腺乳头状癌相关淋巴结转移患者的生存率.

Endocrine Surgeons and Care Providers

内分泌外科医生为甲状腺、甲状旁腺和肾上腺疾病提供手术治疗. Our surgeons have a comprehensive understanding endocrinology, radiology, pathology and oncology, 与专家合作,确定哪种治疗方案最适合你的内分泌状况.

Advanced Practice Providers

David Savin, PA-C
headshot of David Savin
Caroline Umana, BSN, RN
headshot of Caroline Umana

Locations for Endocrine Surgery